Wednesday 18 November 2015

Boss – How to Be One; Print Your Own 3D Accessories

Boss. Boss Chick or Boss Boy, whichever applies to you, step into your destiny (cue inspiring Rocky sound track).  This Accessories Blogger is BEYOND excited to share the scoop on a specialty company called that allows you to CREATE your own 3D print jewelry and SELL it. This is not a sponsored post, and get this; here are some inspiration pieces. You can make everything from awesome necklace pendants, to chic cuff links, to key-chains, to bold bracelets, to rad rings and you have full control over all of the designs. Cityrocka Perry isn’t sure about you, but I’ve actually dreamt of things that I wanted to rock out in but knew that I didn’t have the means to access for myself .

Who Should Be Really Hyped About This Style Accessory News?

Well, bloggers and Vloggers for sure-sure. I mean, aren’t You within that core group of people as eager as a beaver to establish a burgeoning brand? You could turn round and sell customized items on your site; products which are a reflection of precisely who you are as a boss and a style maven. For your already established fans,friends, and followers, making the choice has got to be almost effortless. C’mon, even if you aren’t into any of the above you have to admit that the concept is way cool. In itself it has to be a real ego booster to say that what you’re wearing was conceptualized by YOU, YOUSELF, and ONLY YOU.

Why Cityrocka Perry Cosigns This 3D Business Idea

Because I can and want to, but that’s not all though. touts itself as being as rescuers from accessory vendors who are peddling nothing but the usual, “overly priced and soulless jewelry design.” They also take care of order fulfillment, packaging, and shipping. For more info, BAM. And here’s a fact for you. Did you know that on average, jewelry is 13X more expensive than the production costs? So, who else is sold? Why or why don’t you think that 3D printing is the wave of the future?

The post Boss – How to Be One; Print Your Own 3D Accessories appeared first on Fashion | Celebrity Gossip| Cityrocka Perry.

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